domenica 10 gennaio 2010


FINALLY a good day, one of those great days that boost your overall record.
It started good with AH betting going 3-1 and teddie going 3-1 too..on the horses just AW winners that found a winner with Prince of Sorrento in Lingfield to make a small profit of 50,3 for the day (he had 2 losers too)...
The good day became great in the night with 4-0 by NHLPP that makes up for 2037€ won.

Overall I am still down but very small, one good day and I'm back on track. Today again pretty quiet day, weather is not good and a good amount of soccer matches has been postponed so it will be a small day overall.

Recap 9/1
AW +50,3
AH +850
Teddie +559,5
NHLPP +2037

Total for the day +3496,8

Bankroll : 49858,69
Year Profit : -142,11
Fees for services : 0

Net Profit : -142,11

Hope this is a good sign for things to turn around, it's pretty amazing the fact that I'm down just 140 EUR with just 2 winning days and 7 losing days in the year. According to my 103 ROI target I should be up 935,13 EUR so far with the amount I did bet so in my mind I am behind around 1k.


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